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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

WINOL FEATURES in week 3 - the content is boosting up!

We have some really good content going for the Features for WINOL! Five videos last week (Freshers Fashion, Navigating around the campus, two Profile videos, Staff spending investigatory article! ) It will all soon appear on the Features section (top right corner). 

And we have our own competition Win With WINOL !

If you are still hesitating to how certain formats should look like have a look on the examples below.

It is important to have an idea or a good source and then put it into the format of a feature that would reflect that idea in the best possible way.

Let's say for example you heard that there was a great exhibition going on or a fantastic film that has just started to be shown at the Winchester cinema or perhaps a great concert that is worth going to... this for instance would lay into an Arts Review (was the music/film/paintings/photography/book etc any good/or why was it bad etc), or perhaps even a profile of a band (members of a band that you have interviewed after the concert), or even confessional interview of an artist (painter/singer/actor/photographer etc). You can follow a band for a day, meet them in the morning, film how they prepare, how their day looks like, let them speak to the camera about themselves as if you weren't there, then film their concert- do a gonzo style- fly on the wall  That would give great pictures/ music and an ambitious piece of The New Journalism era! 

You can keep going researching on our course review - the more we cover the better traffic -  that would be under the Product review format of a Feature, try to get some other course leaders to talk to you and get students involved telling you about their course it will generate a good traffic and target our desired audience.

I am sure you are all familiar with the Confessional interview format - do you know anyone whose story is worth telling and who would like to share it with you? I'm sure you know people with amazing life stories, get them to talk to you.

In sports, you could for example research which one was the best team of last year and the best team of this semester - interviews with the captains, analysis of their performance/scores and once you 've investigated who was the best team of last year go away for their match and film it. Here you can also make profiles of all team captains of sports teams at university etc. Every member of the team will watch their captain online, won't it? Good traffic plus you can get to practice sports photography (capturing a movement of a player/ball/dynamics of a game etc - great fun, I've done it on football and motorbike racing, just an amazing experience!

Try to stay in agenda of a calendar of what's on with what ever happens in Winchester and the area, exhibitions, movies, music, any important people coming over to winchester (actors, singers, politicians). Any protests/campaigns going on (campus/winchester?). Go even further, visit London - heaven for cultural events!

 If we cover something recent we should aim for our idea to go on the winol's weekly bulletin and using the footage we can make a news video and then its extended version of it for features, which will create an opportunity for our presenter to make a link to our features channel -  "to watch more of this issue go to the features section of winol to see a full story" - for example.

So there is plenty to choose from, the links below explain some of the formats of features in detail. Also please have a look onto my article about The Practical Magazine Features and Documentary and different formats of Features!

While doing a research on Features I came across few good links that could help my team in deciding on what type of format of the feature they could potentially work on.

Tips: How to write a good feature article:

Examples of Comment articles at the Guardian:

Examples of Art Reviews in the Culture section of the Guardian:

Examples of Fashion/lifestyle/Health etc section for the features at the Guardian:


I must say that I was very pleased with my team's work. The understanding of the team work and good communication between the members is clearly not an issue.

This week I had to do some filming away on Monday(Southampton) and Tuesday(London). I handed over all important information and guidelines to Jon to represent me on the meetings and help out my team in my absence.  He did really well in putting my ideas across, and also Paul, Thom and Jake did amazingly on recording and producing our new competition promo-video.

My winol week 3 started, in fact on Saturday last week when Andy and I went to London to film United against Injustice meeting. I am planning to make a Gonzo day in type of feature from the footage I got and I also managed to arrange another interview with Billy Middleton the founder of the who agreed to tell me his story. I interviewed him in Southampton on Monday. This I would like to turn into a confessional feature with reconstruction of the events film. The two project will be part of content for our Features. It will require time taking editing of long hours of footage but I am committed to complete my vision.

Going back to my filming on saturday another of this weeks' activities of mine after the hours of being an editor I managed to capture and edit some of the material from 3(out of four) tapes from Saturdays trip to London for United against Injustice. I am panning to make a Gonzi stule documentary from th event. The subject is interesting and it is very likely to attarc many audience not only from our local viewers, also because i am in touch with all th einterviewees from the film I will be able to perhaps make even some sort of series of updates on theit life stories. I can also use the footage to create separate confessional interview format features that will tell the individual stories separately.

On Tuesday I took a role of a camera operator for the Award winning ceremony at the BBC academy in White City, London where our WINL team was handed an award for innovation in Journalism. After edited by Maddie it made a fantastic package for the bulletin this week, I am also going to make a longer version of a feature for our feature section of the website where our audience will be able to watch an extended version of the event.

What happend to become an issue is lack of time that our Production team is putting into helping our Features to develop quicker.

All the articles from the last two weeks I have proofread and forwarded to our subeditors, I also forwarded the pictures and videos produced by my Video journalists for Features.

After further discussions and legal advise I decided to spike thomas Hobb's article on Students drinking. I made sure that Thom understood the legal reasons behind my decision and explaind the misunderstanding on this particular feature format that he produced. Comment Features are particularly difficult, many can mistake them for allowing themselves to express their opinion in the article where in fact it is important to remember that all the information given and expressed in the piece must be based on fact, reported without a malice and created for human interest (accurate and fair too obviously). Comment articles often start with a phrase "reporter so and so says" but they in fact should never contain a personal opinion of a reporter it's more like analysis of given facts from an expert, it is never a personal opinion.

Videos and articles that were produced for week 1 were only uploaded this week are the following
so far are Win With WINOL - uploaded to winol
Staff Profile - James Knight - article on winol, video not uploaded
Navigating around Winchester (guide for students) - uploaded to winol
Freshers Flaunt Fashion- uploaded to winol
Staff Profile -SU President Seb Miell- article uploaded to winol, video not
and Your Guide to University Hot Spots - uploaded to winol

We're still missing the investigation article by Stu - still being in the process of sub editing

From Feature Videos unfortunately only my studio debate with Seb and Jaz got uploaded so far, we're still waiting for two staff profiles, Navigation around the campus and Freshers Fashion to appear on the webpage.

On this point, we are still to deliver some photographs and articles to go with some of the articles from this and last week, like Staff spending article (no pictures), Two sisters campaign article (Article and pictures), two staff profiles from this week ( katie) (pictures), the facebook debate (article and pictures) as well as Navigating around Winchester (pictures). I shall make sure that they are sent as soon as members of my team completes them.

Our new idea for competition which was initiated and scripted by Thomas hobbs has already reached fantastic result, our video reached 400 hits in one day! Jake did really well on presenting, he was confident and funny, Paul edited the video very well, such a shame we didn't have a green screen working, it would have added a lot to the film with the technical resources fully available, we will try our best to work well with the production team to make our videos look better (the same for this and last week's debate).

This week's debate is due to be uploaded, it will be also available to watch on our Features section - Debate on Facebook and twitter influences in contemporary society, hosted by Thomas Hobbs.



With this accent, our weekly debate is rolling, which i'm really pleased about, any of our members of feature team can host a debate, and I would like them all to try themselves out at presenting at the same time. On the production side of this weeks studio debate, it could have been better framed and the lighting wasn't perfect, after all we are all in here to learn (I have already mentioned these issues to our production people).

Claire, Katie and Jake did brilliant on delivering their videos in time - meeting a deadline is crucial, as we followed Production's advise we moved our deadlines onto the and of Wednesday so that they could upload our videos and stories on Wednesday morning before the whole bulletin fever starts. And so we did. I gave three of our videos to Paul to be uploaded and also after checking the content I recommended Tom and Stu to upload their videos (2 part debate video and two sisters video) onto youtube and pass the embed link to Paul as that will make it easier and quicker for them to be published onto the winol website. After having a discussion with paul and Josh from the production we decided that our feature journalists, after finishing their movie, they have to export them as quick time movie first, then as Quick time conversion and then upload them onto youtube themselves to make the publishing process quicker and help production with the uploads. And so from next week every single video will have to go through that process before passing the embed link over to Paul.