MONDAY (planning day/ early writing)
09.00: Attend for de-briefing and planning sessions – read the papers
10.00: De-brief re: previous edition
11.00 – 2.15 After the De-brief - Feature VJs are continuing working on their articles/videos
Update of VJ Features work needed before 02.15pm (Features Conference)
02.15: Features conference (newsroom) (Feats Editor) – update on features and VJs are ‘selling their ideas and pieces they worked on to the editor/ giving updates on the features - the meeting is assessed by a tutor.
03.30: Main editorial conference (corridor) (Editor)
04.30: 2nd Features conference (newsroom) (Feats Ed)
After this conference Features Editor will update her VJs on latest decisions on their features pass on ideas on improvements etc.
TUESDAY (Features studio pre-recording; deadlines)
Deadlines at the end of today!
Writing and early production day
Studio Day for features interviews/show/fashion etc
WEDNESDAY (production day/ publication)
09.00: Editorial Conference – Editor, News Editor, Production Editor, (Chief Reporter) – sort out the running order for the daily bulletin.
Publishing our Videos and sub editing our articles in the morning
02.00: Subbing/creating features pages for next week (deadline 5pm)
02.00: Write/Edit Features Index (deadline 4pm) FE/CS – F.Editor
02.00: Write/Edit Listings Index (deadline 4pm) AEE/CS – F.Editor taking part in it
03.00: Live broadcast (on days when this is happening).