"We say...”
The reporter who is appointed to be a specialist in certain area, like for example finances or Community/social relations expresses an opinion (eg. ‘Voice of the newspaper’, eg The Sun Says...or ‘a reporter’s name’ says…) through analysis of the subject.
This type of a feature is usually in Comment or letter from the editor section; it is often linked to reader response/letter (especially online, because of e-mail).
In this way the paper or video presents a separation of comment and fact and in this way defines type of feature.
It can present a viewpoint. It can be a ‘by-lined piece by somebody well known or interested’, for example Daily Mail – "Talking Point Journalism".
To video examples belong:
This type of a feature is usually in Comment or letter from the editor section; it is often linked to reader response/letter (especially online, because of e-mail).
In this way the paper or video presents a separation of comment and fact and in this way defines type of feature.
It can present a viewpoint. It can be a ‘by-lined piece by somebody well known or interested’, for example Daily Mail – "Talking Point Journalism".
To video examples belong:
Feature cartoon (an art in its own right, the political cartoon)
Satire, Parliamentary Sketch, London Life… etc – lightweight journalist essay.
Satire, Parliamentary Sketch, London Life… etc – lightweight journalist essay.
*From Chris Horrie's notes