It was a fantastic achievement for students of Journalism from Winchester. My story about car parking issue currently troubling not only our students but also residents of Stanmore and West Downs. The story made air along with other great video packages produced by our students.
My interviewees (Councillor for Stanmore, James Stephens and SU President,Jimmy Weighell at our University) contributed greatly in my research for parking problems story. I tried my best to reach the essence of the issue and fulfilled an informative role for the community of our students.
To my surprise few hours before my story was meant to go on air I was told that I had to find someone else to represent students’ side of the parking issue instead of Jimmy, because he was also interviewed by my fellow colleague for other video package. The pressure of a new even tighter deadline, not even one hour, to find equally representative interviewee, film, edit and fit it within my package again, so that our final News bulletin would look better. Thanks to a great team work, my new version of the package was put on air and fit within the deadline once again. I must admit that it would have certainly helped to had known that I couldn’t have an SU president as an interviewee in my package the day before when I was finishing my original package rather than unexpectedly be told that I could not use his interview.
If I did not find my 3rd interviewee in that last minute my package could have not be put on air, the day before none of us picked that there were two the same interviewees in our news bulletin till the last minute. Now I know that even before choosing my people for the video package I have to be aware of all potential interviewees for all next news in bulletin.

As an overall we still had some sound issues but it was one of our best bulletins so far. The whole team worked incredibly hard, helping each other as usual to effectively, produce good quality news bulletin for WINOL. Catherine did an amazing job as a presenter this week and Tom proved again what a fantastic sports presenter he is.
Winchester News Online is starting its successful and certainly long lasting career as a geat local news provider for Winchester produced by students.