Gallery Experience during the Breakfast show 29th June 2010
The preparations for the morning show starts already from 8am, even though the show doesn't start till 10.30 there are lots of things to be caried out before the final second count down to go on air. AP gets here first, Josh Kays fulfills this role along with Rami Mohammed, our EVS operator work on preparing packages that are required by the producer. As Josh and Rami described, they build the packages and line them up in specific order for the show. Josh and rami also edit the packages themse;ves and que them up in required order.
Rami also added that "the difference between the EVS operator and PA (Josh) during the match is nthat the EVS operator, additionally does the highlights of the match like goals or incidents. Every single goal is clipped and re-played so that it could be used during the 15min break in between the match's breaks and after the match is finished and even in an hour build up discussion with our studio guests."
Other materials come from the editing suits, our main editors, they see the comming feed mostly from Sauth Africa and nd also build packages that will be part of the show too. In their part they watch the feed with the producer from the outside source and decide which material to use and re-edit if needed and then used in the show.
Gallery experience on 7th July (Breakfast Show)
Last night it was the first game of the first semi final battle, Nederlands won over Urugway 3-1 , what a fantastic first semi final game that was. As discussed in the studio Nederlands had a big chance to become the finalists.
Gallery was calm and controlled as ussual and the studio was well prepared and set for todays Breakfast show.
Graham Souness today's studio guest of the remaining teams discussed the chances of the remaining teams.
When going through the newspapar headlines our presenters Hayley and Scot talked about Argentina and todays headline "Diego given the Cris of life", it looks like Diego will carry on being Argentina's coach. Graham said that he "has never seen so many men kissed in his life" when refferencing to Diego's habbit of kissing his players before each game.
The highlights of the 3 goals were lined up by Rami and Josh and prepared to go on air during the analysis for this morning. It was rightly noticed bu Braham that even though one of nederland's goals were offside it was still allowed.
Three big screens in front of us, 42 small screens framed within them showing feed and and inside packages lined up by the EVS operator and PA earlier on this morning. One PVW and PGM that does on-aor monitoring and shows what goes on air with jazeera's OB's from South Africa.
I am here at the heart of the world's interest at this moment and watching the history being made at the studios in Qatar.