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Tuesday, 20 April 2010

A General Election debate hosted by tutors and students of Journalism at The University of Winchester on 19th April

The University of Winchester hosted a General Election debate with three main party politicians and the editor of the Daily Echo.

Former Hampshire MPs Sandra Gidley, Michael Mates and Alan Whitehead will Join Ian Murray (Daily Echo) and Joy Carter took part in a debate about issues in the General Election.

The event was held in The Stripe on Monday 19th April at 19:30

winol2009 on Broadcast Live Free

Students from all years of Journalism were involved in organising and on the production side of the event.
You can watch the debate online on 20th April from 19:30 on

Also oncoming... winol will be hosting an overnight live election coverage on 6th May 2010, do not miss out on that one either, you can have a look on what's coming next in few days time.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Sex Economy, Religion and hidden meaning of SWASTICA, Wilhelm Reich

Adolf Hitler was aiming to protec purity of German race against a decline of ‘higher race’ (The Race Theory ), he believed that blood mixture will result in drop in racial level and cause dying out of old cultures. Hitler’s authoritarian sexual order deprived women, children and adolescents of their sexual freedom, “making a commodity of sex and placing sexual interests in service of economic subjection”, in other words, in service of... a forced submission to control by the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or society.

Other nonsense that he introduced was calling it an ‘incest’ when an Aryan interbreeds with a non-Aryan, whereas the proper meaning of this word is a sexual intercourse between relatives, not different nations. Hitler also thought that sexual relations between Germans and Blacks or Jews should be terminated to stop racial interbreeding and keep a perfect-pure race.

In Hitler’s theory of human’s sexuality (Dionysian) becomes “sinful yearning”, which can be seen in patriarchal culture as chaotic or even “dirty” and affect people’s sexual attitude and experiences with sex. It essentially, creates barer and suppression performing a sexual act and it did so especially on women and on sexuality of a child, as already mentioned in one of my blog posts called: “Sexual suppression in study of the mass psychology of fascism (Wilhelm Reich)”

Moreover, on top of the pressure of the repressed sexually society these evaluations of human’s sexuality have been also supported by religious mysticism presenting it as sinful and vulgar, almost forbidden until the sacrament on marriage is established. Basic elements that define religious feeling are analogy of it between the orgasmic excitation and phenomena of religious excitement and also that formation of religious cults is dependable on sociological formations. Also , “the psychic content of religion is drawn from early childhood familial relationships” and so the basic religious idea of patriarchal religions, like Christianity for example is the negation of sexual need.

In addition, “sexual suppression has its origin also in the economic interest of marriage and a law of inheritance” and it begins with the ruling class itself. Also, in early capitalism and in large feudal societies of Asia the ruling class did not follow the idea of sexual suppression of the enslaved classes. It was when “the materially suppressed classes begin to organise themselves (...) and fight for socio-political improvements and to raise the cultural level of the broad masses that sexual moralistic inhibitions set in.” And so “the parallel to rise of the organised working class, a contrary process sets in, namely the ideological assimilation to the ruling class.”

Another proof of Fascism to be connected with sexuality of masses was that its symbol SWASTIKA was originally a sexual symbol not straight away a symbol of Anti-Semitism, the manipulation of masses was also done through Fascism’s symbol SWASTIKA.

Red and white colour are contradictory structure, originally it was a symbol of male and female principle. Percy Gardner found it in Greece where it was called Hemera and was the symbol of sun representing the male principle. Later on n XIV century, it was embellished with vulva and double cross symbolising a stormy sky and fertile earth. It was also discovered that swastika was also in form of Indian symbol as a cross or even symbol of Buddha.

Further on, Lichtenberg found swastika in skull in place of the three dots. Its meaning kept changing through the centuries and cultures it was used in, at some point it was also seen as symbol of work (mill wheel), and work was seen in German society as the basis of man’s social existence (necessary work).

“We are the army of swastika
Raise the red banners high,
For the German worker
The way to freedom we shall pave.”

And back then from emotional point of view sexuality and work were the same. The hooked cross implied not only a sexual instinct shown through representations of sexual acts but also showing either lying down or standing up positions and therefore it was also a basic living function.

Its hidden symbolism must certainly have contributed to manipulation of unconsciousness of the masses, especially recognisable by people of more sexual dissatisfaction, hence the need for sexually represses society.

To finish off my posts inspired by Wilhelm Reich’s book, “the fact that Hitler was a political genius unmasks the nature of politics as no other fact can”, it is manipulative, and self benefit concentrated on a massive scale and can have a dramatic output if blindly followed. The politics can be used as a tool of mass murder spreading of racism and prejudice, as we could see on example of Holocaust in not so far past, let us hope that pieces of literature and detailed psycho-economical analysis of masse like it was done in Reich’s “Mass Psychology of Fascism” will help our future leaders understand mistakes of the past and not allow such crime to happen ever again.

The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich

The University of Winchester Journalism Course
History and Context of Journalism, part IV